Portable Laser Tracker

Portable Laser Tracker

The Portable laser tracker is the machine for measuring coordinates. The machine is reliable in accuracy and allows us to build products, optimize processes and offer solutions.
Laser Tracker CMM is an extremely accurate portable coordinate measuring system. The MMT Laser Tracker combines interferometer-based laser optics with state-of-the-art servo control technology to measure the position of a target relative to the tracker. Tracker also contains the unique "Absolute ADM" system for more flexibility. With the specialized software provided, real-time positioning information can be used to measure relative distances between points, define a virtual axis, monitor the movement of a component with an accuracy of 10 microns, or compare the actual output with CAD model .
The CMM Laser Tracker Expert Team offers 3D measurement services for applications in the automotive industry, aerospace, heavy engineering, shipbuilding and wind turbines. steel mills, etc. TRACKER with various available software, SA-Spatial analyzer, Metro log XG. & Polyworks.
The system measures 3D coordinates with its laser using a spherical mirror (SMR) probe. Thanks to angle encoders with high precision and absolute distance measurement (ADM), it registers the 3D position of a real-time probe.
Laser trackers are used to align large parts, assemblies and machines and carry out detailed inspections on site or in the process.



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